Company name: SRVG vier Beteiligungs GmbH
Company headquarters: Schnirchgasse 17, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Legal form: Limited liability company
Company registration number: FN 568125 d
Commercial register court: Handelsgericht Wien
General management Dr. Matthias Wechner und Sascha Haimovici, BA
VAT: ATU77679503
Business purpose: Real estate agent; authorisation to act as an unaffiliated credit intermediary
Responsible trade authority: Municipal District Office for the 3rd Municipal District of Vienna
Applicable trade regulations: Gewerbeordnung 1994 - GewO1994, BGBl. Nr. 194 (WV) as amended, available free of charge in the legal information system of the Federal Chancellery (RIS) at
Member of the Chamber of Commerce (WKO)
Contact: Tel: +43 1 343 1000 / E-Mail:
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